Management Structure

The General Assembly is the decision-making body of the project. Chaired by the project coordinator, it is composed of one representative from each partner organisation, each having one vote for decision making purposes. The General Assembly will be responsible for the strategic and political direction of the Project: the overall direction of all activities – research, training and management – and re-orientation whenever necessary, budget revision, incorporation of new contractors, and dealing with defaulting partners.
The Executive Committee is the decision-implementing body of the project. It is made up of the leaders of each workpackage and chaired by the coordinator Dr. Richard Thompson. The Executive Committee will be in charge of the operational management of all the activities of LEGATO. It will also prepare the decisions to be taken by the General Assembly and ensure that these decisions are properly implemented, integrating recommendations, and surveying ethical and gender issues. The Executive Committee will also be in charge of resource management of workpackages. The Executive Committee will be supported by the work of the Administrative Team including quality control and preparing meetings with the EC, the preparation and transmission of deliverables.
The Intellectual Property Use and Dissemination Committee will advice on the management of knowledge and of intellectual property and of other innovation-related activities arising in the project. The IPUDC will also monitor the implementation of the principles governing intellectual property rights which will partially be covered by the Consortium Agreement dispositions.
The objective of the Advisory Board is on the one hand to provide external points of view on the research conducted: (choice of genotypes x cropping systems x locations to be evaluated, adaptation to specific zones or markets) so it brings maximum outcomes to the agricultural/breeding sector and, on the other hand to serve as a key dissemination channel for project outcomes to facilitate project exploitation and impact. Membership will be open throughout the project.
Daily administrative management work and handling of the project logistics will be handled by the Administrative Team. The Administrative Team will be made up of an experienced project manager assisted by a project administrator.