LEGATO second stakeholder meeting
Cordoba, Spain, 1 December 2015
"Economic models and promotional measures"
- Dr. Richard Thomson – INRA - France: Introduction
- Dr. Marie-Helene Jeuffroy – INRA - France: “Legumes in France: obstacles and opportunities”
- Mr. David Crespo - FERTIPRADO, Portugal: “Legumes and biodiversity: key tools for the sustainable improvement of pasture and forage crops in the Mediterranean Region”
- Dr. Emilio de León Ponce de León, Director of Feeding and Agriculture, COVAP, Spain: “The use of legumes in animal feeding”
- Dr. Véronique Biarnes - Terres-Inovia, France: “Economics of Grain Legumes for Feed”
- Mr. Peter Smith - Wherry and Sons, UK: “Faba beans for food and feed - The Optibean project”
- Dr. Bence Major - EU DG-AGRI, Belgium: “Protein crops: EU Market situation and related Common Agricultural Policy tools”